Dr Edmund Ndibuagu is an Adjunct Professor and Head of Public Health research group, African Development Institute of Research Methodology. He is an Associate Professor of Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
He is a medical practitioner with thirty-two years’ of experience under his belt, the last eighteen years being specifically devoted to Public Health practice, consultancy, research, and teaching. His areas of interest include; Health Resources Management, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Health projects and programmes, Health Systems Strengthening, Disease Prevention, and Management of Communicable diseases. He is a Consultant Public Health Physician with the following Academic qualifications; MB: BS, MBA, MWACP, MPH, FMCPH.
He has executed various public health assignments for reputable international organizations such as PATHS (DfID), USAID, WHO, NACA (World Bank), etc. Prior to active involvement in public health practice, he had gained a lot of experience as a General medical practitioner, working in both private and public health facilities. He rose to the rank of Chief Medical Officer (Grade level 17) in the State Health Board thirteen years ago and was appointed the Director of Medical Services/Deputy State Health Administrator. He is also well experienced in managing both private and public health facilities, having served as the Medical Director of two very busy private hospitals in Enugu urban, and also served as the Principal Medical Officer-in-Charge of Enugu State Civil Service Clinic, which he saw through its establishment. In addition to serving the Enugu State University Teaching Hospital/Enugu State College of Medicine as the head of the Department of Community Medicine, he has also served as the Coordinator of the HIV/AIDS unit of the hospital, and the Students Coordinating Officer for four years. He is also the Chairman, Board of Trustees of Esucom Health Care Delivery Research Initiative; the incorporated research unit of Enugu State College of Medicine. In July 2014, he was recognized by the Enugu State University of Science and Technology Council as “THE BEST TEACHER (CLINICALS)”.
Some of his Public Health Consultancy assignments include; Development of Ebonyi State Maternal and Newborn Care Implementation Plan – 2019 to 2021, Data generation and management for M&E of the MDGs in the South East States Nigeria, supporting the implementation of SuNMaP capacity building programme on malaria programme management for Senior Executive Officers, Heads of hospitals and PHC Officers-in-Charge in LGAs, LGA Health Managers; Anambra, Enugu, Kaduna and Lagos states mid/end-year Annual Malaria Operational Plan implementation assessment, development of Enugu, Kaduna and Ebonyi states Malaria Control/Elimination Programme Annual Operational Plan; Strengthening the 2-way referral system in Enugu, Jigawa, Kano and Kaduna states; development of Enugu state Knowledge management strategy and operational plan, development of Enugu state Public-Private Partnership Policy, development of Enugu state HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015, Drug Revolving Fund Baseline survey in Enugu state (2009), etc. He served as the Lead Consultant for the referral system strengthening assignments for Kano, Kaduna, Jigawa and Enugu states, the Enugu state PPP Policy finalization assignment, Anambra state 2013 Annual operational plan mid-year implementation assessment, Kogi State 2014 5th month Malaria Annual Operational plan Review, Ebonyi state 2015 Malaria Elimination AOP development, Lagos state Malaria Elimination 2014 AOP mid-year review, Lagos state LGAs 2014 Malaria Elimination Work plan end-year review, Adult Anti-Retroviral Training for some doctors in South-East Nigeria, June/July 2014, training Facility Health Committee trainers in Enugu state in May 2015, and developing Ebonyi State Maternal and Newborn Costed Implementation Plan in September 2018.
Nelson Mandela multi-purpose building Plot 79 Aria River Independence Layout Enugu Nigeria